Adil Aijaz Picture
(friendly tour, not a sales pitch)


Down with Chatbots. Long live the AI Sales Engineer

There are hundreds of “chat with your docs” bots (aka “chatbots”) out there. Scratch that. Thousands.

There are startups like Kapa, search solutions like Glean, and the countless DIY solutions that some guy built over a weekend that caught the CEO’s eye.

Heck, even ChatGPT lets you upload your docs.

In a world full of chatbots, is there room for Sam, the AI Sales Engineer (“SE”)?


Why? “It’s the UX, stupid.”

Reps add Sam to their calls so they don’t have to add a human SE, just in case things get “technical.”

Since Sam replaces SEs for some of the calls, it has to be:

  1. Right there in your call: No hopping over to Slack to chat with a bot.
  2. Natural: It’s distracting to type a question mid-call. Sam picks up on questions as they are asked.
  3. Brief: Nobody has the time to read a wall of text in the call. Sam’s concise.
  4. Trustworthy: You can check a chatbot’s answers with your teammate. Inside a call, you can’t. Sam’s gotta be spot on.
  5. Fast: Waiting more than 5 seconds for an answer feels like an eternity in a call
  6. A true SE: Sam doesn’t give you 4 links to skim. It gives you an answer, a workaround, a solution.
  7. Always learning: Chatbots go stale. Sam doesn’t. It learns from every call it joins so it adapts to changes quickly.

Or put another way, designing an AI SE to augment human SEs in calls is a completely different ballgame than building a chatbot.

That’s why Sam is different. That’s why it’s valuable.